花謝花飛飛滿天, Flowers fade and fly, and flying fill the sky;
紅消香斷有誰憐?Their bloom departs, their perfume gone, yet who stands pitying by?
游丝软絮飘春榭,And wandering threads of gossamer on the summer-house is seen,
落絮轻沾扑绣帘。And falling catkins lightly dew-steeped strike the embroidered screen.
闺中女儿惜春暮,A girl within the inner rooms,I mourn that spring is done,
愁绪满怀无释处。A veil of sorrow binds my heart,and solace there is none.
手把花锄出绣闺,I pass into the garden,and I turn to use my hoe,
忍踏落花来复去。Treading over fallen glories as I lightly come and go.
柳丝榆荚自芳菲,There are willow-sprays and flowers of elm,and these have scent enough.
不管桃飘与李飞。I care not if the peach and plum,are stripped from every bough.
桃李明年能再发,The peach-tree and the plum-tree too next year may bloom again,
明年闺中知有谁?But next year, in the inner rooms, tell me, shall I remain?
三月香巢已垒成,By the third moon new fragrant nests shall see the light of day,
梁间燕子太无情。New swallows fly among the beams, each on its thoughtless way.
明年花发虽可啄,Next year once more they'll seek their food among the painted flowers,
却不道人去梁空巢也倾!But I may go, and beams may go, and with them swallow bowers!
一年三百六十日,Three hundred days and sixty make a year, and therein lurk.
风刀霜剑严相逼。Daggers of wind and swords of frost to do their cruel work.
明媚鲜妍能几时,How long will last the fair fresh flower which bright and brighter glows?
一朝飘泊难寻觅。One morning its petals float away,but to where no-one knows.
花开易见落难寻,Gay blooming buds attract the eye, faded they're lost to sight;
阶前愁杀葬花人。Oh, let me sadly bury them beside these steps tonight.
独把花锄偷洒泪,Alone, unseen, I seize my hoe,with many a bitter tear;
洒上空枝见血痕。They fall upon the naked stem and stains of blood appear.
杜鹃无语正黄昏,The night-jar now has ceased to mourn,the dawn comes on apace,(cuckoo)
荷锄归去掩重门。I seize my hoe and close the gates,leaving the burying-place;
青灯照壁人初睡,But not until sunbeams dot the wall does slumber soothe my care,
冷雨敲窗被未温。The cold rain pattering on the pane as I lie shivering there.
怪侬底事倍伤神,You wonder that with flowing tears my youthful cheek is wet;
半为怜春半恼春。They partly rise from angry thoughts, and partly from regret.
怜春忽至恼忽去,Regret that spring comes suddenly; and anger that it cannot last.
至又无言去不闻。No sound to announce its approach,or warn us when it's passed.
昨宵庭外悲歌发,Last night within the garden sad songs were faintly heard,
知是花魂与鸟魂?Sung, as I knew, by spirits,spirits of flower and bird.
花魂鸟魂总难留,We cannot keep them here with us, these much-loved birds and flowers,
鸟自无言花自羞。They sing but for a season's space,and bloom a few short hours.
愿奴肋下生双翼,If only I on a feathered wing might soar aloft and fly,
随花飞到天尽头。With flower spirits I would seek the rooms within the sky.
天尽头,何处有香丘?But high in the air,What grave is there?
未若锦囊收艳骨,No, give me an embroidered bag within to lay their charms,
一抔净土掩风流。And Mother Earth, pure Mother Earth,shall hide them in her arms.
质本洁来还洁去,Thus those sweet forms which spotless came shall spotless go again,
强于污淖陷渠沟。Nor pass dirty with mud and filth along some filthy drain.
尔今死去侬收葬,Farewell, dear flowers, forever now, thus buried as was best,
未卜侬身何日丧?I have not yet divined when I with you shall sink to rest.
侬今葬花人笑痴,I who can bury flowers like this a laughing-stock shall be;
他年葬侬知是谁?I cannot say in days to come what hands shall bury me.
试看春残花渐落,See how when spring begins to fail each opening flower fades;
便是红颜老死时。So too there is a time of age and death for beautiful maids;
一朝春尽红颜老,And when the fleeting spring is gone,and days of beauty over,
花落人亡两不知。Flowers fall, and lovely maiden's all,and both are known no more.
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